Life Light Mobile Clinic

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Life Light Pregnancy Help Center
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Help us offer women free ultrasound referrals to a mobile clinic


raised by 1 people

$2,000 goal

Life Light Pregnancy Help Center, LLPHC, has been helping women and their families in Shasta County since 1981. We believe every woman deserves to be loved and supported during a pregnancy. We are about equipping and empowering women to make the best decision. We support women and their families by offering

  • Free (self Administered, lab quality) Pregnancy Test
  • Referral for free ultrasound
  • Pregnancy and Parenting classes
  • Boutique; with items for Moms and babies
  • Mentoring and life skills

It is our vision to reflect the light of Christ so that our clients and their families may walk in God's truth (3rd John 1:4) and embrace the sacredness of life.  We equip parents with the tools to become healthy, happy participants in their children's lives.  We believe life is sacred from conception to death and offer hope to anyone seeking out help.   For You have formed my inward parts; You wove me together in my mother's womb.  Psalm 139:13 

When a woman seeks our services she usually calls when she is in a crisis and doesn't know where to turn. She has just found out she is pregnant and now finds herself in a life changing event. Client come to us when they have found out they are pregnant and don't know how  long they had been pregnant. We were able to offer her a free ultrasound referral to help her work through this life changing event and offer her emotional and material support i.e. diapers, wipes, clothing and various other baby items.

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